Early Career Teacher induction guidance and information

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

A reminder that three information sessions have been arranged for schools to receive updates and guidance on the new Early Career Teacher induction regulations which come into force in September 2021.

· Thursday 29 April - 1:30-3:30 - via Teams
· Tuesday 4 May - 1:30-3:30 - via Teams
· Wednesday 12 May - 1:30-3:30 - via Teams
Colleagues are welcome to register for one of these events:
Either - on NQT Manager if you currently have NQTs registered for the summer term - go to Courses from your Desktop when you log in. 
Or - if you do not have NQTs in this summer term but wish to attend, please contact nqtinduction@bradford.gov.uk with your name, preferred date, email address and role (Head, NQT Tutor, NQT co-ordinator etc) to be added to the register.
A Teams link will be sent to all those registered the day before the meeting is due to run.


Published: 26/04/2021
Audience: Headteacher, NQT coordinators, NQT tutors
Contact: Michael Garside

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