HISTORY TEACHERS! We need your help!

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

The Monuments Review Steering Group involving colleagues from Bradford Council and local schools is leading a one-year project to review the statues and monuments and significant figures across the Bradford District, with a view to creating a new, more diverse narrative about the Distric

The project has focused primarily on statues, the people they represent, and uncovering any links to slavery, colonialism and Black Lives Matter.  

The group now need the help of history teachers from across the District. The steering group are looking for teachers from different phases of learning (primary, secondary and post-16) to be involved in a round-table discussion to consider the materials available from the project and to share their thoughts and experience in relation to teaching this subject. The Strategy Group is to commission the development of education resources but they want to ensure these are fit for purpose and fulfil the needs of teachers.

There is potential for these teachers then to provide peer-to-peer support to other teachers across the District.

The group welcome expressions of interest from teachers to join a 60-90 minute online meeting via Zoom to hear about the group's findings to date and then to discuss how these issues are taught in schools and to help shape the resources that are developed.

To express an interest in supporting this work, please complete the very short online form available via this link.


Published: 26/02/2021
Audience: History teachers (all phases)
Contact: Paul Butler

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