Raspberry Pi's Coolest Projects event is coming to Bradford.

To be completed by: 15:00

Time: Sat 11 May 2024 09:00-15:00 | Venue: Life Centre

We are inviting students from Bradford Schools to come along to Coolest Projects - The Raspberry Pi Foundation's digital tech celebration for young people

We are inviting students from Bradford Schools to come along to Coolest Projects - The Raspberry Pi Foundation's digital tech celebration for young people. Coolest Projects UK is a free in-person event for young digital creators up to the age of 18. Its purpose is to celebrate and inspire young people who make things with technology and connect them to other young makers and their wider digital making community.

Coolest Projects will take place on the 11th of May 2024 at the Life Centre in Bradford. Registration is open now and will close on the 17th of April.


Young people are welcome to submit all digital technology projects, from beginner to advanced, complete or work in progress.

  • Projects are entered across six categories:

    • Scratch

    • Web

    • Games

    • Mobile Apps

    • Hardware

    • Advanced Programming

  • To be eligible, projects must:

    • Be registered by a team of no more than five, aged 18 years or under.

    • Be registered by a team resident in the UK. 

    • Be digital, and show their code.


All creators will receive personalised project feedback from the judges, and will receive fun, limited-edition swag! Partial bursaries are available to support the costs of attending the event.


. Coolest Projects UK is a free in-person event for young digital creators up to the age of 18. Its purpose is to celebrate and inspire young people who make things with technology and connect them to other young makers and their wider digital making community.

Coolest Projects will take place on the 11th of May 2024 at the Life Centre in Bradford. Registration is open now and will close on the 17th of April.


Young people are welcome to submit all digital technology projects, from beginner to advanced, complete or work in progress.

  • Projects are entered across six categories:

    • Scratch

    • Web

    • Games

    • Mobile Apps

    • Hardware

    • Advanced Programming

  • To be eligible, projects must:

    • Be registered by a team of no more than five, aged 18 years or under.

    • Be registered by a team resident in the UK. 

    • Be digital, and show their code.


All creators will receive personalised project feedback from the judges, and will receive fun, limited-edition swag! Partial bursaries are available to support the costs of attending the event.



Published: 02/04/2024
Audience: Teachers
Contact: Jennifer Shaw

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