Bradford Matrix of Need

Bradford Matrix of Need


The Bradford Matrix of Need provides clarity on the Graduated Approach and ‘Best Endeavours’ through detailing:

Individual learner characteristics : Tells you how to identify if a CYP has SEND for example  –'A child / young person who is said to have mild learning difficulties will be operating below Age Related Expectations.' or 'CYP will  have some social communication and interaction differences, plus difficulties in social imagination, inflexibility of thought and sensory differences that impact on school life'.
Additional to and Different from Interventions and Strategies: Identifies reasonable expectation about what should be in place for CYP with that type / level of need.
Provision: Indicates  LA / school responsibilities, likely placement and suggested support levels.

The Matrix of Need should be consulted when planning for children with SEND and when making requests for statutory assessment from the Local Authority.


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