Bradford Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE)

Bradford Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE)


A SACRE is an advisory body which is part of local government, with responsibility for religious education and collective worship.  In 1944, local education authorities were allowed by law to set up a Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education.  The 1988 Education Reform Act made this compulsory.

Religious education (R.E.) and collective worship have had a unique and important place in education in this country since the 1944 Education Act when both became a statutory entitlement for every registered pupil in local authority maintained schools.  SACREs are charged with ensuring that schools meet their statutory requirement to provide pupils with religious education in accordance with the locally agreed syllabus and that they provide a daily act of collective worship.

SACRE members follow and contribute to national developments and around R.E., collective worship, and SMSC (spiritual, moral, social and cultural education).


SACRE is supported by the Interfaith and Diversity Education Team which is part of the City of Bradford MDC Directorate of Children's Services.  They can provide training, support teaching and organise visits to places of worship.

For any other matters relating to SACRE, R.E. or collective worship please contact


SACRE Constitution

Bradford Sacre has a Constitution that sets out its membership and procedures.


SACRE Membership

SACRE consists of four committees, representing different groups as follows:

Committee A             Christian denominations and other faiths.

Committee B             The Church of England.

Committee C             Teacher Associations.

Committee D             City of Bradford MDC.

In addition, SACRE can co-opt members who have expertise in RE.  The constitution of Bradford SACRE states that the Chair should be a co-opted member.



SACRE meetings are usually held at Margaret McMillan Tower from 7pm to 9pm and are open to the public.  If you wish to attend a SACRE meeting please contact 


Next SACRE meeting - Wednesday 10th July 2024, 7pm-9pm, Margaret McMillan Tower  



Religious Education

All schools have to teach R.E., and local authority maintained schools must use the Locally Agreed Syllabus provided by SACRE.  Academies in Bradford are encouraged to follow the agreed syllabus as it has been designed to meet local needs.  For Free Schools, the requirements for R.E. are stated in the foundation agreement.  The syllabus is available to all Bradford district schools free of charge and can be found in the RE Agreed Syllabus Tab.


Collective Worship

According to teh Education Act,  schools must provide a daily act of collective worship which is 'wholly or mainly of a broadly Christian character'.  Pupils must gather in 'normal school groupings'  for collective worship i.e. as a whole school, phase, key stage, year group or class.

SACRE has produced a 'Collective Worship Guidance and Model Policy' which outlines statutory requirements and good practice.

Collective worship and religious education both make a significant contribution to the spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development of pupils.  This is a key part of Ofsted's inspection framework.



A Determination is an exemption from the requirement to provide collective worship which is 'wholly or mainly of a broadly Christian character'. 

A headteacher, with the agreement of the governing body, may apply for a determination if they feel it would be more appropriate to offer a different type of worship.

The school must still provide a daily act of collective worship.

There are three types of Determination:

Whole School Determination (Inclusive Worship) The whole school meets for inclusive collective worship, drawing from a range of faiths and traditions without the requirement for worship to be 'wholly or mainly of a broadly Christian character'.

Part Determination (Faith Worship for one faith group).  One faith / belief group meets for Faith Worship, other pupils meet for worship which is wholly or mainly of a broadly Christian character.     

Series of Determinations (Faith Worship for a number of faith groups).  Specific faith/ belief groups (to be specified) meet for faith worship, other pupils will meet for an act of inclusive worship drawing from a range of faiths and traditions.

Applying for a Determination 

head teachers wishing to apply for a determination must consult with their governing bodies and are strongly advised to consult with parents and pupils.

Determinations are valid for five years.  Schools may apply to SACRE to change or revoke a determination at any time during that five year period.  Determinations must be renewed at the end of five years. 

Applications, amendments and renewals must be made on the standard Bradford SACRE Determination application form.  Please submit forms electronically to, with supporting documents, three weeks prior to the SACRE meeting at which they are to be considered.  Academies and Free schools apply directly to the DfE.  SACRE members are happy to advise academies and free schools on this.

Annual Report

SACREs report annually to the DfE and the National Association of SACREs (NASACRE).  Details are available at


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