Free NCCE Computing opportunities

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

The National Centre for Computing Education (NCCE) offers a range of free support to schools to assist in the teaching of Computing in schools. Whether you have already accessed free support or have never engaged previously you are entitled to express an interest in gaining free CPD.

You are strongly encouraged to complete this short form to express an interest in NCCE computing support for your primary setting - Computing Clusters Expression of Interest.

Once completed schools will be grouped into clusters based on their needs and will be provided with free NCCE support. It does not matter if your school follows the NCCE Computing Curriculum, the Bradford Curriculum Innovation scheme, Purple Mash or any other, you will still be eligible.

Please take time to complete the form and access the CPD available.

In addition to this support the NCCE deliver a number of face to face and remote courses which are now free.  There is a bursary of £205 for the first person from a school attending a course in the academic year.

If you have any questions about the support and CPD available via the NCCE please contact



Published: 30/03/2023
Audience: Primary computing leads
Contact: Sarah Hawkins

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