2020/21 Primary and Key Stage 4 Summer Collections *Reminder*

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

For the second year, the DfE have cancelled all statutory assessment returns. This cancellation means that there could be a two-year gap in your school’s performance data, and that you are having to use data that is increasingly out of date.

Last year, Bradford, along with many Local Authorities across England, worked with our partner NCER (National Consortium for Examination Results), to offer a complementary analysis service to provide support to schools.


We are offering this service again, and have already sent out templates and guidance to schools who contacted us following the surveys we ran in April to understand levels of interest and how we could best support you in this process.


We will be issuing a monthly reminder regarding these collections:


  • It is not too late to get involved.  Any schools wanting to engage with the primary collections can contact us before Friday 9th July 2021.  Schools wanting analysis for their KS4 results can get in touch up to Friday 20th August 2021.
  • We will send you the necessary templates and guidance, and will be on hand to answer any queries you may have.
  • Primary assessment templates will come pre-populated to try and help reduce some of the administrative burden at the school end.  We will also align your Early Years cohort to the pilot if you are taking part.
  • You will be able to access analysis, through Perspective Lite, before the end of term (primary analysis), or shortly after you send us your data (KS4 analysis).
  • If you have already contacted us and have asked to take part please check the Dropbox for your file to download.


Please be assured that any collection, processing and analysis of your data is for the benefit of our schools, and so they have access to information and insight that will support planning and improvement.  Anything we collect will not be used by the LA for accountability purposes.


If you would like to take part, or have any queries regarding this year’s summer collections, please contact IMTAnalysisTeam@bradford.gov.uk and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


Published: 04/06/2021
Audience: All
Contact: Pam Cresswell

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