2019 secondary inspection data summary report (IDSR) prototype release

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

The prototype of Ofsted's new secondary inspection data summary report (IDSR) has been released.

It shows the layout and content of the new secondary IDSR using example data.

It is located within the new IDSR guidance document on GOV.UK: IDSR prototype

Important reminders:

  • The 2019 inspection data summary report (IDSR) for primary data, is available in DfE’s Analyse School Performance (ASP). When logged in to ASP, please click on all reports, then click on Ofsted inspection data summary reports, and finally click on Visit the Ofsted IDSR service. Your PDF 2019 report will pop up. The IDSRs currently hold provisional data for key stage 2, key stage 1 and phonics, and context data.
  • This year, the children looked after collection closure date, was delayed (due to technical issues) by five weeks.  Therefore, the children looked after data and data for disadvantaged pupils will not be included until the revised data releases.
  • Ofsted  have published a new guidance document for the IDSR.  Ofsted will add secondary-specific guidance to coincide with the release of the secondary IDSR. You can find the new guidance here: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/school-inspection-data-summary-report-idsr-guide
  • At the same time as the provisional secondary release,  Ofsted will be removing historic IDSRs from Analyse School Performance. Any users wishing to keep a copy of their historic IDSRs are advised to download and save their IDSRs before they are removed later in the autumn term.  Ofsted will communicate this again closer to the time.


Published: 18/10/2019
Audience: Headteachers, Senior Managers and Data Managers
Contact: Jonny Trayer

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