NQT registrations

To be completed by: Fri 11 Oct 2019

Time: -Fri 11 Oct 2019 | Venue:

If your school uses Bradford as the Appropriate Body for NQT induction can you please check whether all NQTs are now registered on NQT Manager and that Heads have signed off the registrations.

The Teaching Regulation Agency requires Appropriate Bodies to declare the NQTs in schools which use them for induction by October 18. In order to do this all schools must registerr their NQTs in advance of this date to ensure that the induction start date is not delayed.

If there are any problems or errors please contact Michael Garside in order to address these in time.


Published: 02/10/2019
Audience: Headteachers, NQT coordinators, NQT mentors
Contact: Michael Garside

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