First Aid - CitizenAID (RQF)

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

Would you know how to react in the event of a terrorist attack?

Whenever there is a shooting, stabbing or bomb explosion, the initial priority is understandably to ensure public safety, which can unfortunately cause delays to the emergency services being able to reach the injured.

Dates: Friday, 01/11/2019

Times: 09:00 am - 13:00 pm

Venue: Bradford, City Hall, L&D Hub

Cost: £81.50

Please note that if booking onto this course you will have to download the 'citizenAID' application, on mobile devices, beforehand. If you do not have a smartphone the instructor will assist you on the day.

Click here for more information: 


Published: 23/08/2019
Audience: All staff
Contact: Evolve

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