Bradford Local Offer

Families SEND Support Team

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Referral for SEND Workshops and Portage

About the Child
Professionals Involved
Support Available
Option 1: SEND Together Programme–Mini virtual programme for ALL parents of SEND children who do NOT have an Autism diagnosis.
SEND Support Programme 3x3hr sessions to help parents and carers understand their children and young persons sensory needs, communication and support behaviour.
  • Understanding senses
  • Your child’s sensory portrait
  • Strategies and resources to support sensory differences
  • How children receive and use communication
  • Supporting children to develop communication
  • Strategies and resources that can be used at home
  • A range of information and strategies to help parent’s/carer’s understand and manage their children’s behaviour.
How would you like to access the selected workshops? Please choose 1 option.
Communication Workshop
3hrs online/4hrs face to face
  • How children receive and use communication
  • Supporting children to develop communication
  • Strategies and resources that can be used at home
Supporting behaviour Workshop 3hrs
online/4hrs face to face
  • A range of information and
  • strategies to help parent’s/carer’s understand and manage their children’s behaviour.
The Sensory World Workshop
3hrs online/4hrs face to face

Understanding senses
  • Your child’s sensory portrait
  • Strategies and resources to support sensory differences
Option 2: Portage. An education service for pre-school aged children and their families. Please choose 1 option.
  • Portage small step approach to learning through play.
  • Support with transition to nursery.
  • Advice and signposting.

More information about Portage can be found here

Portage Education Group
For children aged 0-5
Portage Home Visits
Only available to children aged 0-5 and not in nursery or due to start in the 12 weeks.
Please select a Portage Education Group from below

Option 3: EarlyBird programmes for parents/carers with children between 0-5 years. Children must have a diagnosis or been on the assessment pathway.
EarlyBird core programme – 11 weeks for 2 hrs online and 2.5 hrs face to face
Option 4: Cygnet Autism programmes for parents/carers with children between 5-18 years. Children must have a diagnosis.
Cygnet core programme – 7 weeks for 3hrs virtually or face to face
How would you like to access any of the Cygnet programmes?
You can access the 3 additional sessions below on completion of the Cygnet Core Programme.
Cygnet Sleep programme x 3hrs Cygnet Siblings programme x 4hrs Cygnet Puberty, Sex and Relationships x 3hrs How would you like to access any of the Cygnet programmes?
Is this a self-referral?
Please complete referrers details below.
Use of Personal Information

If you would welcome support for your family, then we need your agreement for agencies to co-ordinate any support you may need through sharing information about your family with them. This could include the following agencies: Children’s Specialist Services, Schools, Police, National Probation Service, Community Rehabilitation Company, Youth Offending Team, Department of Work and Pensions (including contracted work programme providers), Incommunities, Families First Commissioned Services, your GP, Health Visitors, School Nurses, Family Hub, and Stronger Families. Information will also be shared with Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (BTHFT), for the purpose of helping to provide a good service to your family and researching and planning improvements to services for children and families.

For further information about how we use personal data we collect in line with UK General Data Protection Regulations (UK GDPR) – Education and Learning Privacy Notice | Bradford Council

If you are the Parent/Carer you are also giving your permission to share personal information about young people (under 16) in your care.