ECT induction update – action required

To be completed by: Fri 22 Oct 2021

Time: -Fri 22 Oct 2021 | Venue:

If you are no longer using Bradford as the Appropriate Body for ECT induction, then you should ensure you have downloaded all PDFs of previous assessment forms from ECT Manager and ensure each NQT/ECT has a copy of their own forms.

Your log in details will remain active until half term, after which any schools with no registered ECTs will be archived and forms will no longer be accessible.

Should any of those schools subsequently employ an ECT and wish to use CBMDC as the Appropriate Body then contact to reactivate the school’s details.

If you are continuing to use Bradford as the Appropriate Body, please check that all ECTs, tutors and Heads have their log in details in readiness for the end of term assessment in December. If there are any problems please contact .


Published: 14/10/2021
Audience: Headteachers, ECT induction coordinators
Contact: Michael Garside

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