Fully Funded Secondary Maths Support

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

Want to provide your students with the best chance of Mastering Maths? NOW Recruiting! - West Yorkshire Maths Hub are currently looking for schools to join our Teaching for Mastery Work Groups.

Whether you want to take a teaching for mastery approach in your own classroom and department, or introduce mastery in both your own school and beyond, we have a Work Group to support you.

Work Groups:

Maths Hub Work Groups, each led by a Mastery Specialist, offer locally-based, collaborative CPD. Two teachers (‘Mastery Advocates’) from each of a small group of schools or colleges, meet half termly. Together they develop classroom and departmental approaches consistent with teaching for mastery. The Mastery Specialist leads the process and gives bespoke support to each school.

See our website for more information and to apply: wymathshub.co.uk or contact: wymh@westyorkshiremathshub.co.uk



Published: 28/09/2021
Audience: Secondary Maths teachers. Curriculum leaders of Maths. Maths Head of Department. Headteachers
Contact: Tara Stuttard

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