School Contact Details

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

Are your contact details up to date for your school?

Each term we ask schools to check their details on Bradford schools on line and confirm these are accurate. Last term we only had a 20% response from schools, this has resulted in outdated information on your school . It is vital that your school checks each term we have the most up-to date information.


This information is used primarily to ensure your emergency contacts are up to date and that the admission details that we publish for parents are accurate.


There are also many internal colleagues (such as the SEND and school improvement teams) who use this information in order that they contact the correct person in your school.


A reminder is sent to your school each term via BSO. Please ask the person responsible for this in your school if this has been actioned Bradford Schools Online


Published: 09/09/2021
Audience: All Schools
Contact: IMT Data Team

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