Pathway of Support for head teachers and Teachers

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

Emotional wellbeing support is available for Headteachers and Senior Leaders including access to a wellbeing check with a health professional, subsequent counselling and therapy offer and a phoneline/messaging service.

  • Access a wellbeing check with a health professional
  • Subsequent counselling and therapy offer
  • Phone Line/ Messaging Service

How do I access the wellbeing check for Headteachers and senior leaders?

Complete your details on the contacts page - In the message section please state Headteachers and senior leaders wellbeing check and you will be contacted in 24 hours to arrange a wellbeing check.

Alternatively, you can phone 01535 288335 or 01535 288332 and request a Headteachers and Senior leaders wellbeing check.

For all school staff To speak to Guide-line worker, call 08001 884 884. The service is available for all staff from noon to midnight, 7 days a week, 365 days a year (including bank holidays). Or chat online at https ://

The West Yorkshire and Harrogate Health and Care partnership Grief and Loss Support Service is available for all, including school professionals from 8am to 8pm, 7 days a week call our freephone number 08081 963 833 or chat online here:

About the Provider - Aire Wharfe & Craven Counselling

AWC provides a range of talking therapies and can help with issues such as; current and/or past abuse(s), depression, stress, mental ill health, anxiety, trauma, PTSD, panic attacks, difficult changes and transitions, low confidence / self-esteem, self-harm, relationship difficulties, work problems, inability to cope and other issues leading to harm and/or distress to the individual and those around them.


Published: 05/03/2021
Audience: Headteachers
Contact: Healthy Minds Bradford & Craven

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