SENCO Forum - Supporting the Education, Health and Care Assessment process

To be completed by: Fri 24 Jan 2020

Time: -Fri 24 Jan 2020 | Venue:

SENCO Forum - Supporting the Education, Health and Care Assessment process in Early Years (Early Years PVI Settings) Dates - 12 March 2020 6.30pm - 9.00pm & 18 June 2020 8.30am - 9.00am - 11.30am Forum run by 0-25 Inclusive Education Service, specialist Teachers


All school staff MUST book on to our courses via the following website:


The aim of the SENCO Forums is to enable SENCo's to develop their role in promoting and supporting inclusive practice in their setting.
The 'Supporting the Education, Health and Care Assessment (EHCA) process in Early Years SENCO Forum will provide SENCO's with:

An overview of the EHCA process.
An Understanding of how to complete the paperwork to request an EHCA.
An overview of how to carry out an Education, Health and Care Plan Annual Review.

Free session - Non-attendance chargeable


Published: 24/01/2020
Audience: SENCOs in Early Years Private, Voluntary and Independent settings.
Contact: Heather Varo

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