To be completed by: Fri 07 Jun 2019

Time: -Fri 07 Jun 2019 | Venue:

Bradford has one of the highest rates of child poverty in the country with over 30,000 children living in poverty and one of the largest number of children eligible for FSM with just over 17,000.

We know that returning to school in poor physical and mental condition can have a detrimental impact on children’s mental and physical wellbeing, as well as their educational attainment.


With this in mind, we are delighted to announce that if you run or are planning to start a new holiday club in your school this summer, there is some brand new funding that has become available for Bradford schools during the 2019 summer holidays.


The grant is available as part of the DfE ’s 2019 Holiday Activities and Food pilot programme with Bradford selected as only one of nine regions across the UK and the main representative for Yorkshire and the Humber. Transforming Lives for Good (TLG) is a national charity based in Bradford that has been appointed by the DfE to act as a local coordinator.


Grants of up to £10k will be available to cover a range of costs to support you as a school and you will have flexibility as to how you deliver your holiday club, as long as it provides food and activities for children that are on FSM (this may be new activity or as part of holiday provision accessed by all children).


It is open to all schools across Bradford (primary and secondary) and therefore, we are anticipating it will be a highly sought after fund. We intend on it being a simple process and brief application form with the deadline for submission will be the first week of June and decisions by mid-June to give schools enough time to plan.


For more information or to apply for a grant, simply register your expression of interest by clicking on the link below and TLG will forward you an application form.


Published: 14/05/2019
Audience: Head Teachers
Contact: John Armstrong

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