Literacy support prospectus for primary schools

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

A new prospectus of evidence-based professional development and support for literacy in the primary phase based on providers who have worked effectively in Bradford this year via a DFE-funded project is now available to download. Details are provided on how to commission the support.

As a legacy of our Strategic School Improvement Fund (SSIF) project and to support all schools, including those eligible for the Bradford Opportunity Area grants to fund literacy support, we’ve prepared a prospectus of evidence-based support from external providers that schools will find useful in considering their needs. Schools wishing to access the programmes and support contained within the prospectus can benefit from a collaborative approach to ‘bulk buying’ this via Exceed Teaching Schools. We’ve arranged for the programmes to be delivered locally, if sufficient numbers of schools express an interest, reducing the overall cost to schools, reducing travel and enabling the grant to go further.

Schools that aren’t in receipt of the grant can also express an interest in the support, utilising their Pupil Premium Grant or their school budget to purchase the support.

We envisage further updates to the prospectus in the coming weeks. The prospectus can be downloaded from the following webpage but please check back regularly for new updates.

You may be interested in this blog prepared recently by Bryan Harrison, Head Teacher at Miriam Lord Primary School about Power of reading, a programme introduced by our DfE-funded SSIF project:  

The prospectus can be downloaded here.

Are you coming to our Ofsted event with Sean Harford? If so, we'll have provider stands so you can discuss these programmes with the providers.


Published: 10/05/2019
Audience: Headteacher, English Subject Leaders
Contact: Paul Butler

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