Schools Financial Value Standard (SFVS) is changing

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

The Department for Education(DfE) has renewed the Schools Financial Value Standard (SFVS) for 2019-20 to include more questions and a dashboard.

The Schools Financial Value Standard helps to provide governing bodies with assurance that the school is meeting the basic standards necessary to achieve a good level of Financial health and resource management. Comprising:

  • The checklist, which asks a number of questions of governing bodies in 6 areas of resource management to provide assurance that the school is managing its resources effectively.
  • The dashboard, which shows how a school’s data compares to thresholds on a range of statistics that have been identified by the department as indicators for good resource management and outcomes.
  • Guidance, which provides detailed explanations for each of the indicators to support schools in filling in their data and understanding the results.


Bradford Council Internal Audit is planning to deliver SFVS training for Governors and those involved in the completion of the return in the Autumn Term.


If you have any queries or wish to register your interest in the training, please email:


Published: 03/05/2019
Audience: Governors, Headteachers, School Business Managers
Contact: Karl Pease

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