Tree Futures Grant Scheme

To be completed by: Fri 17 May 2019

Time: -Fri 17 May 2019 | Venue:

The Tree Council has brought together its three schemes Community Trees, Orchard Windfalls and Trees for Schools into one new fund called "Tree Futures".

Grants of £300 to £1,000 are available for community groups and schools wanting to run tree planting projects during National Tree Week (23 November to 1 December). The funder will fund 80% of the amount awarded and your group will fund 20%.

Projects must show that children up to the age of 16 will be involved in the tree planting or related educational activities.  

What can be funded?

  • Trees, hedges and orchard trees.
  • Reasonable costs of supports and aids – stakes, ties, guards, fertiliser, mulch, soil amelioration (where appropriate).
  • Trees of appropriate species, size and numbers, including fruit trees (apples and pears only) on semi-vigorous, vigorous and very vigorous rootstocks.
  • Trees must be planted in the ground and the funder prefers bare root stock.


Please read the general information and guidance notes before completing the application form with a breakdown of the costs you're applying for.

The deadline for applications is 17 May 2019 (5pm).




Published: 10/04/2019
Audience: Governors, Head teachers, Business Managers, Teachers, Fund Raisers etc.
Contact: Lee AnneSagar

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