Working At Heights

To be completed by: Tue 21 May 2019

Time: -Tue 21 May 2019 | Venue:

The City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council, in association with training provider First Response, is pleased to offer places on this Working at Heights course.

The Working at Heights course covers the following areas:


  • Hazards and risks associated with working at height
  • Duties and responsibilities of employer and employees
  • Methods and techniques for reducing hazards and risks (safe systems)
  • Ladders, trestles and step components and their functions
  • Stability and the working environment

Working at Heights - 16th July at Margaret Mcmillan Towers - Braine Conference Room, from 1pm to 4pm  - cost for external staff of £50 for the training - booking link -  Ext Staff: Working at Heights  - Int Staff: Working at Heights


Published: 21/05/2019
Audience: This course is aimed at operatives, such as site managers and caretakers, who are involved with work
Contact: Naina Shah

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