0-19 services

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

Following the recent announcement that Bradford Council has awarded the Public Health 0-19 Services contract to Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust (BDCFT), we would like to provide GPs with further initial information on our next steps and high level implications.

As you are aware, the Contract requires substantial service re-design and we are working with staff and partners, particularly Council  Children’s Department,  to implement a model which meets budget requirements but which is also innovative and flexible.

The implications of this mean:

•             A more targeted approach towards those children with high vulnerabilities, ie towards Universal Partnership Plus [the most vulnerable children and young people based on deprivation indices]

•             The mandated universal contacts will continue for 0-5 years [health visiting] but will in the future be provided in collaboration with early years providers

•             A model will require and rely on more provision of advice, support and information using web-based resources and electronic solutions

The changes will give a workforce reduction over time and up to 2021; these changes will be managed safely and in a manner which assures delivery of the new model.

More details will be shared through established CCG, Community Partnerships and GP for a and to provide the opportunity for clarification and discussion.

The Council, with BDCFT and Clinical Commissioning Group colleagues is establishing a system partnership group to guide the Integrated 0-19s plans.  The partnership group will comprise of senior management representation from Bradford Council in both Public Health and Children's Services, Clinical Commissioning Groups and the Care Trust.

The purpose of the group will be to steer the direction of travel for 0-19s partnership working and to support the development of a system wide model which will eliminate duplication and ensure that children, young people and their families understand and can access the services offered.  All of this will support the on-going work on prevention and early help, keeping  a focus on tackling inequalities and placing service users at the heart of delivery,  but within the inescapable context of a reduced budget.


Published: 13/03/2019
Audience: Everyone
Contact: Liz Barry

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