Consultation on a Reduced Published Admission Number at Ley Top Primary

To be completed by: Sun 24 Nov 2024

Time: -Sun 24 Nov 2024 | Venue:

Statutory consultation on a proposed reduction to the Published Admission Number (PAN) at Ley Top Primary School from 60 to 30 from 2026/27 onwards

Bradford Council is consulting with key stakeholders on a proposal to reduce the PAN at Ley Top Primary School from 60 to 30 from September 2026. This is the only proposed change to the school’s admission arrangements.


Further details of the proposal can be found here:

Bradford Council - Ley Top Consultation


Views on the proposal can be submitted via an online survey:


Published: 16/10/2024
Audience: School staff, Governors, Parents
Contact: Ley Top Primary School

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