Training for New Designated Teachers for Children Looked After

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

This training is for colleagues who are new to the role of being Designated Teacher for Children Looked After.

Wednesday 5th October 2022  9.30am  until 11.30am or 1.00 until 4.00

Venue : Bronte Conference Room, Margaret McMillan Towers, Bradford.


The training will cover:

Roles and responsibilities of the Lead Designated Teacher for CLA

The Virtual School for Children Looked After and how we work and support schools

Personal Education Plans

Pupil Premium Plus Funding

Annual Report to Governors


Please contact Yvett Green to book a place: (


Published: 16/09/2022
Audience: New Designated Teachers for Children Looked After and Previously Looked After
Contact: Joanne Henry

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