About the Educational Psychology Team

About the Educational Psychology Team

Contact us:

Educational Psychology Team, Floor 5, Margaret McMillan Tower, BRADFORD, BD1 1NN Telephone 01274 439444


The Educational Psychology Team (EPT) work with children and young people from 0- 25, and with the adults who are involved with them, in order to improve educational outcomes.

EPs work with underachieving students, students with additional needs, students with behavioural difficulties and other students who are failing to make progress despite school based interventions. They also work with students who are experiencing home based difficulties which are impacting on their attainment in school.

How We Work

The work of the EPT involves clarification of the problem, assessment, analysis and joint problem solving. This may relate to individual students, groups or whole school issues. Parents are seen as a key contributor to this process and are invited to contribute at all levels.

The EPT is able to provide guidance and advice for all aspects of child development and learning. Advice and support is also provided in relation to wider school or home issues where a psychological perspective can add value.

Our Training and Experience

All EPs have extensive training and qualifications and it is a condition of their mandatory registration with the Health and Care Professions Council that they undertake regular professional development. This ensures that their work incorporates up to date thinking and information on a range of issues, including general education matters, SEN, psychology and the implications of research for practice in schools.

All of our EPs are registered with the Health and Care Professions Council and work within their code of conduct. All EPs receive regular supervision and an annual performance review with their line manager. Statutory reports are peer reviewed and all our training events and interventions are evaluated and analysed for quality and effectiveness.

Our Values

The EP team's work is guided and informed by beliefs and commitment to:

  • Personal value – we accept and respect the intrinsic value of each individual we work with and believe in their worth as a person.
  • Achievement – we operate a strengths based model to support young people and their families to achieve their best, and lead meaningful and fulfilled lives;
  • Social justice – we are driven by a desire to promote social justice and ensure all children have the opportunity to enjoy and succeed in school. We strive to empower young people to make the most of the opportunities available to them.
  • Optimism – we believe that people do the best they can in their circumstances and are optimistic and hopeful about their capacity to change their lives for the better.

Access to support from the Educational Psychology Team

All Bradford schools have access to EP consultation hubs, and are able to purchase additional top up sessions. If you wish to speak to an EP, in the first instance this should be arranged via the special needs coordinator in the child’s school. Please see our BSOL Hub page.

Traded Servces

Bradford EPT is a part traded service. Full details of services available can be found on our BSOL Traded Services page.

Annual Reviews

We do not routinely attend Annual Reviews of Education Health and Care Plans. If you feel you require attendance from an EP due to complex issues, please email: EducationalPsychologyTeam@bradford.gov.uk and we will get back to you.

Team Information


Consent Forms

Other Information


Page owned by Ruth Dennis, last updated on 25/06/2024. This page has been viewed 55,307 times.