Computing experiences for your pupils

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

The Curriculum Innovation consultants are offering pupils the chance to engage with exciting technologies they may not have access to by delivering a range of pupil experiences. Bring up to 32 of your pupils to the centre to engage in a session of your choice, or let us deliver at your school.

Choose from any of the following experiences:

Minecraft – Creating Eco Housing - In school or centre

Children learn the fundamentals of designing sustainable buildings taking insulation and renewable energy into consideration. They work in teams to design eco-housing in Minecraft. This session uses our iPads with Minecraft Education Edition which gives the teacher control over the creative process.   

Creating Virtual Reality Environments - In school or centre

Children use the Co Spaces online software to create a virtual reality environment. They add characters and objects before using code to program them. This can be used for a wide variety of purposes. Past uses have involved retelling a mythical story, creating a virtual museum and explaining how chocolate is made. This session uses centre iPads with the Co Spaces app and licences.

Physical Computing with Makey-Makey - In school or centre

Makey-Makeys allow us to design objects that we can interact with through a computer. This can be by creating our own game controllers, designing interactive books, playing cardboard instruments or designing assistive technology. An in-school session would use school laptops or Chromebooks. School would also need to help source cardboard and supply art and craft materials.  

3D Printing Challenges - In school or centre

Going beyond a basic introduction to 3D design. This session allows children to create their own 3D designs which can then be printed at a later date and sent to school. Please note there would be extra charges for the filament used in printing designs. An in-school session would use school laptops or Chromebooks and pupils will need Tinkercad accounts which we can help to set up.

Micro: Bit Beyond the basics - In school or centre

Children are set challenges to create working models using Micro:Bit. The content of these sessions can be customised. It could be creating mini security systems, soil moisture monitoring and much more. An in-school session would require school PCs or Chromebooks. We would provide the Micro:Bits.

Robotics with Lego EV3 - Centre session only

Pupils will use sequence, selection, repetition, and variable along with the light out sound sensors in the Lego NXT devices to complete a number of challenges that increase in difficulty. This is an engaging, well-structured sequence of activities that groups can work through at their own pace.

All experiences last 2 hours from 09:30-11:30 for a maximum of 32 pupils and are priced at £250. If you would like to discuss the session content in further detail please contact

To book a computing experience please click here and complete the pre-purchase form.  A member of the team will then contact you to finalise the date of the session.


Published: 19/10/2022
Audience: Primary school staff
Contact: Sarah Hawkins

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