West Yorkshire Armed Forces Covenant Webinar Tuesday June 15 from 10 to 11.

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

Providing an overview of the Armed Forces Covenant, what it means to local authorities, upcoming changes to legislation and information about the service pupil premium (available to schools with service pupils).

Find out more about our Armed Forces Community, our duties and support available to them at the West Yorkshire Armed Forces Covenant webinar which is being hosted by Bradford Council.

Did you know, the Armed Forces Covenant came into force in 2011 and all local authorities in England have signed pledges. The Covenant covers the whole of the Armed Forces Community which includes all those who serve or who have served in the Armed Forces (including Reservists) and their families.

The webinar will provide an overview of the Armed Forces Covenant, what it means to local authorities, information about the service pupil premium (available to schools with service pupils) and  upcoming changes to the legislation that will bring parts of it into law. It’s your opportunity to hear from some of the services that can offer support to members of the Armed Forces Community and for you to gain an insight into life within the Military.

The event will be opened by key Military figures alongside the West Yorkshire Mayor.

Guest speakers on the day will include:

  • Covenant in the Community Lead – who will be providing an overview of the Covenant legislation changes expected to be passed into law later this year
  • Leeds City Region Housing Officers – providing an overview of their project and the housing support they can offer staff 
  • NHS Mental Health Services – describing the specialist health support available through the NHS

Date and time: Tuesday 15th June, 10-11.15am

Platform: MS Teams

Audience: All West Yorkshire Council staff (particularly those within frontline service roles), elected members  

Please visit the Eventbrite page to sign-up for the event https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/west-yorkshire-armed-forces-webinar-tickets-157204708515

For any further queries about the event please email connor.drake@bradford.gov.uk

The Armed Forces Covenant

The Armed Forces Covenant is a promise from the nation ensuring that those who serve or who have served in the Armed Forces, and their families, are treated fairly. You can find out more about the Armed Forces Covenant at Home - Armed Forces Covenant


Published: 08/06/2021
Audience: Governors, Head Teachers, Teachers, Teaching Assistants
Contact: Connor Drake

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