Prevent Designated Safeguarding Lead Briefing - 7 May 2021, 13 00 - 14 00

To be completed by: Thu 06 May 2021

Time: -Thu 06 May 2021 | Venue:

Vital update of information relating to the Prevent Duty in education settings, including information from Ofsted, current risk and the Bradford Prevent offer for schools. Please see below for the full agenda.



1    Prevent and Ofsted inspections

2    Current risk;

  • extremist groups
  • the online threat
  • CTLP update

3    Bradford Prevent offer

  • >DfE funded projects
  • resources and training for schools
  • working with pupils

4    Future Briefings

5    AOB

      (to be notified in advance of the meeting)

This will be a virtual meeting on Teams organised by the City of Bradford MDC Prevent team.

Booking via Eventbrite link

This meeting is restricted to  settings in the Bradford District and can only be booked with an organisational email address.




Published: 26/04/2021
Audience: Designated Safeguarding Leads in ALL educational settings
Contact: Geraldine Cooper

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