Relationship Matters: support for families having relationship difficulties

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Disagreements and arguments in family life are completely normal but if they are becoming a problem then help is at hand through Relationship Matters.

Relationship Matters is a new partnership between 15 Local Authorities across Yorkshire and the Humber Region helping families who may be having relationship difficulties.  A new website was launched on Monday 11 May 2020 to offer families information, tips and advice and what better time as the coronavirus is leading to big changes in the way we live our everyday lives.  Whether couples are together or separated, disagreements are completely normal but evidence shows that regular conflict has a big impact on children.

All relationships have tricky moments it is how they’re experienced and resolved that matters especially at the moment for getting us through enforced self- isolation, lock down and social distancing.  We are all spending longer periods of time with our loved ones and this is bound to bring about some added challenges.  Whether couples together or separated the way they communicate can impact on their relationship and their children.

Relationship Matters can help everyone recognise the sign such as:

•             Arguing, rows, shouting all the time with each other about things like, money, how you parent, housework

•             Are they worried about splitting up?

•             Is there sulking, silent treatment, slamming doors or walking away from each other

•             Are they anxious or worried which gets in the way of managing everyday life?

•             Are they not able to say sorry after an argument and move on?

•             Are they using hurtful texts, emails or Facebook against each other?

The website gives everyone tips, information and help to stay calm, work out what needs to happen and signpost in order to get some help.

For more information go to 

Sometimes it can be challenging to separate out between parental conflict and domestic abuse; the Relationship Matters focus is on relationships where things are ‘Mostly respectful, equal, cooperative but experiencing difficulties’.

If there are any concerns around controlling/ coercive behaviour, violence or fear families should seek advice from their local domestic violence services.

Bradford’s Survive and Thrive Partnership (Staying Put, Family Action and Women Centre) operate key domestic abuse and sexual violence services:

•             Operate the One Front Door offering specialist support, information and on-going assistance. Call 0808 2800 999 between the hours of 9am until 5pm Monday to Friday

•             Please bear in mind that our helplines might be busy. You can email us at 

•             Outside of working hours - National 24-hour helpline:    0808 2000 247

If people are immediate danger they need to contact the police on 999.


Published: 08/07/2020
Audience: Everyone
Contact: Staying Put

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