NEW Skills 4 Bradford Website - FREE Training Sessions

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

Following the launch before the summer, the NEW Skills 4 Bradford website is now live, bringing together services for schools from across Bradford Council. It is fully interactive, allowing you to browse our 30+ services, buy online, book training, monitor your account spend/usage and much more...

The site now has over 2000 users, but if you don't have an account simply log onto the site ( and click on Sign Up in the top right-hand corner to enter your details.  Once your accout is set up you will receive a welcome email with a user guide.


We have run a number of User Training Sessions to help ensure users are making the most of the site, if you are interested in attending one of these sessions, please email and we will arrange a further session.




Published: 10/09/2019
Audience: School leaders and business managers
Contact: Adele Baines

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