COURSE-C&L-Precision Teaching and High Frequency Words Workshop.22.11.19

To be completed by: Wed 28 Aug 2019

Time: -Wed 28 Aug 2019 | Venue:

SEMH - C&L - Precision Teaching and High Frequency Words Workshop, course delivered by the C&L Team - 0-25 Inclusive Education Service

All staff MUST book on to our courses via the following Website Link:

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Search by “Provider” which is.0-25 Inclusive Education Service.  NB to view the price of a course you need to be logged in. Cancellation terms apply for all courses see website when booking.


Description of training

This is a practical and hands on workshop where participants will learn the principles of the precision teaching approach and how to deliver this intervention in school.  Precision teaching is an evidence based method for increasing automaticity and fluency across a range of areas of learning.  The session will focus upon the teaching of high frequency words in a multisensory way, but will also consider other areas of learning that can be targeted using precision teaching. Precision teaching is suitable for a wide range of students across both the primary and secondary phases, including students with SEND.  The workshop includes demonstrations, opportunities to ‘have a go’ at the techniques using an array of multisensory resources and the resources needed to get started.


Refreshments are available on arrival and there is also a coffee break mid-morning

Tutors: Gosia Lewalski, Nicola Gaunt, Julie Wilson

Suitable for

SENDCOs, Teachers, Teaching Assistants

Dates/ times Venue

22.11.19 - 9.15am to 12.00 noon Margaret McMillan Tower


£65 per person.


Published: 02/09/2019
Audience: SENDCOs, Teachers, Teaching Assistants
Contact: Heather Varo

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