Recruiting now for Primary Mastery Specialists!

To be completed by: Mon 20 May 2019

Time: -Mon 20 May 2019 | Venue:

The West Yorkshire Maths Hub is now recruiting teachers to join the 2019-20 Primary Mastery Specialist Programme. We are especially keen to recruit Bradford teachers for the programme so that they can pass on their expertise to Bradford schools.

The NCETM’s Primary Mastery Specialist programme is now accepting applications for 2019/20. The programme is for primary teachers who want to become experts in mastery approaches to teaching maths.

As in previous years, successful applicants will join the Primary Mastery Specialists programme. This is the fifth year of the programme, which is run by the NCETM in conjunction with Maths Hubs

Recruitment of this cohort of specialists marks the latest phase of the wider Teaching for Mastery Programme, which launched in 2016 and is funded by the DfE. Eventually it will result in the training of almost a thousand Mastery Specialists across both primary and secondary phases. Collectively, these specialists will pass on their expertise in teaching for mastery to more than 11,000 schools by 2023.

What does the programme involve? 

Maths Hubs which have the capacity to recruit will select a cohort of teachers to take part in the development year of the programme during 2019/20. During this time, Mastery Specialists will establish mastery in their own schools. In the following year, they will work with small groups of nearby schools to help them introduce teaching for mastery themselves.

How can you apply?

Download the information and application form (NCETM home page).  Send your completed application form to The closing date for applications is 20 May 2019 at 5pm.


Published: 10/05/2019
Audience: Primary Headteachers; Primary Maths Leads
Contact: James Procter

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