Tracking Progress for SEND students

To be completed by: Tue 26 Feb 2019

Time: -Tue 26 Feb 2019 | Venue:

By the end of this course, delegates will understand how progress tracking can play a crucial role throughout the teaching and learning process.


This course will help you understand how schools are responding to the range of assessment tools available for tracking the progress of SEND students. We will explore the challenges and opportunities that arise from the availability of such a wide range of tools, before taking an in-depth look at how CEM and MAPP are used in key stage 3. Delegates will evaluate the benefits and challenges of each system. The course includes visits to classrooms to observe active use of the assessment systems followed by joint professional development discussions on what to do with the data and creating a culture of accountability, evaluation and reflection.

By the end of this course, delegates will understand how progress tracking can play a crucial role throughout the teaching and learning process.

Please note that, although the classroom observations will be in key stage 3, the course is also relevant for primary schools.



  • Venue: Southfield School, Southfield Grange Campus, Haycliffe Lane, Bradford BD5 9ET
  • Date: Tuesday 5th Match 2019, 8.15am—11.45am
  • Suitable for: SLT, SENCOs, teachers
  • Cost: £90 per delegate


For more details or to book a place on any of our courses, please ring the Shanidar TSA office on 01274 779662 (ext. 199) or email


Published: 26/02/2019
Audience: SLT, SENCO's Teachers
Contact: Hina Hanif

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