Heritage Open Day - Bradford Cathedral

To be completed by: 15:00

Time: Sat 14 Sep 2024 12:00-15:00 | Venue: Bradford Cathedral

This year's 10-day Heritage Open Days festival begins tomorrow and on Saturday 14th September we will be opening our doors, where you'll be able to discover all about our connections with the city through our monuments and memorials.

You'll also be able to enjoy refreshments, family craft and colouring activities, and information on our pilgrimages and trails!

On top of this there will be Heritage Open Day goodies to give away, and we will have stalls from the Friends of Bradford's Becks, the Canal & River Trust and the Bradford Urban Wildlife Group, as well as the Northern Section of the Jowett Car Club, who will be bringing along some classic cars into Cathedral Close!

Then, at 1:30pm, we will welcome Michael Scott for our keynote talk, where he will talk all about his model town Chandwell and his 12-month project to create a model Bradford Cathedral - and you can watch his progress so far at https://www.youtube.com/@Chandwell

Join us from 12noon - 3pm on Saturday 14th September. Entry is free and you can just turn up on the day - or you can book your place for the talk at https://monumental-connections.eventbrite.co.uk/

(Please note that our guided tours are currently fully booked)


Published: 05/09/2024
Audience: Families
Contact: Bradford Cathedral

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