Early Years in Schools training offer and support 2024/25

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

All EYFS training and networks to be booked through Skills4bradford.

EYFS Autumn Networks –every term
These are free for any Nursery or Primary school in the Bradford district. Autumn dates to be released soon!
EYFS - Training offer
•New to EYFS for Teachers - 25th September
•New to EYFS Practitioners and Teaching Assistants - 2nd October
•Establishing Guided Practice and Provision in Year 1 - 8th October
•Teaching Early Phonics in the EYFS (Nursery) - 7th November
•Developing Early Writing - 26th November
•Teaching Maths in the EYFS - 16th January
•EYFS Profile Assessment Moderation for Reception Teachers - 6th & 8th May
•Sense checking your EYFS Profile data ( Book with Early years Officers)
•EYFS Leadership 9th July


Published: 03/09/2024
Audience: EYFS Leaders and Headteachers
Contact: Phillippa Degnan

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