Heavily subsidised school breakfast for your school

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We are delighted to announce that the National School Breakfast Programme has been extended for another year. This means, that schools in your Local Authority who are eligible for the programme, could be receiving support to run an affordable school breakfast provision until July 2025.?

We are delighted to announce that the National School Breakfast Programme has been extended for another year. This means, that schools in your Local Authority who are eligible for the programme, could be receiving support to run an affordable school breakfast provision until July 2025.? 

What do schools get? 

As part of the programme, we can deliver bagels, cereals and porridge to a school each week to enable them to provide breakfast in a variety of ways including: a traditional breakfast club, bagel bar, classroom breakfast or arrival breakfast.??All participating schools receive a 75% subsidy for breakfast club provision until the end of the current programme in July 2025, meaning they pay just 25% of the cost of food and delivery.? We can also advise on ideas and suggested funding streams to support the cost of their breakfast.??? 


  • The offer is available to all schools that have 40% or more children in IDACI bands A-F. 
  • The school must not be receiving support for their breakfast provision from Magic Breakfast or Gregg’s. 

How to join 

Joining the programme could not be easier and schools can have their breakfast provision up and running within a week of meeting with us or they can join the programme to start their breakfast provision at a later date or at the start of September. The choice is theirs

They just need to complete an expression of interest on the link below and one of our team will be in touch: https://nsbp.family-action.org.uk/s/expression-of-interest 


Why Breakfast?  

Evidence shows that providing a healthy school breakfast at the start of the school day can contribute to improved readiness to learn, attendance, concentration, wellbeing and behaviour.?? 

Don’t just take our word for it, hear from schools on the programme. 

“Our school commitment to provide each child with access to breakfast on a daily basis has been transformational upon school attendance. Families can focus upon getting up and ready for school, knowing from a cost and time perspective, school have breakfast taken care of. Children and parents arrive at school happier and the impact on both attendance and punctuality has been clear to see” Headteacher Carr Mill Primary School. 

“We have seen an improvement in behaviour and punctuality since the NSBP and we would recommend that all schools sign up to the programme” Headteacher Gillford Centre  

“The NSBP has been a lifeline for some of our students. …. . It has made coming to school even more important because now a significant number of students have two of their three meals a day with us and it has allowed students to focus more in their morning lessons, which has improved their outcomes too “ Deputy Headteacher, Bramcote College 



The National School Breakfast Programme is delivered by Family Action. You can find more information here

NSBP HELPDESK: (Mon - Fri excluding bank holidays, 8.30am - 5.00pm)


NSBP Support Line:  020 4551 2251


Published: 04/07/2024
Audience: All schools
Contact: Kaldip Chaggar-Brown

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