Please read: 45 day limit for suspension

To be completed by:

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45 day limit for suspensions in one academic year. Just a gentle reminder please of the following as we are seeing that for a number of pupils this academic year, they are getting close to the 45 day limit that is allowed.

Please can school colleagues be vigilant that no one goes over the limit. As an LA, we do have to act by sending the information up through the various channels both locally and regionally/nationally if this happens. We know you will understand we are required to do this so this email is sent to try to avoid that happening.

A pupil only has a maximum of 45 days for suspension each academic year, and a principal/headteacher cannot award any days over this limit. The law is very clear on this. Data teams, please make sure your principal/head teacher has suspension days data connected to pupils where suspension days are high, as this will be part of their consideration should that pupil have further disciplinary breaches.

Once a pupil gets to 45 days, other strategies must be put in place as a consequence of a breach of the behaviour policy, in order to continue managing behaviour. Suspension cannot be used. On reaching the 45 day limit, it is not an automatic permanent exclusion.

Thank you. 


Published: 05/06/2024
Audience: Suspension data school colleagues, Headteachers and Senior leaders
Contact: Karen Lesley Roper

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