Schools Pack Launch - Celebrating Gypsy Roma Traveller History Month 2024

To be completed by: 16:15

Time: Tue 04 Jun 2024 15:30-16:15 | Venue: Online

Join us for bite-sized training, a tour of the pack, and opportunity to network and ask questions.

Join us Tuesday, June 4 · 3:30 - 4:15pm

Earlier this month, Gypsy and Traveller organisation, Leeds GATE, launched a resource pack to help schools mark history month through film, assemblies, art, books, discussion, displays and more. Complimented by background information about Gypsy and Traveller communities, history, culture and the challenges they face, along with information about suggestions for the rest of the year.  

Please note that this session is about English Gypsies and Irish Travellers, we do not have experience in working with Roma.  

Who are Leeds GATE?

Leeds Gypsy & Traveller Exchange, known more commonly as Leeds GATE, is a brave and creative grassroots membership organisation. We are led by Gypsy and Traveller people in partnership with others across West Yorkshire. Our work has an award-winning track record of community activism, social action and member-led innovation.

Established in 2003, Leeds GATE was founded by a group of likeminded people who came together with one mission: to improve quality of life for Gypsy and Traveller people. 20 years later, we now work across Leeds, Bradford, Wakefield and Calderdale.

Our mission: to improve quality of life of Gypsy and Traveller people across West Yorkshire.

Our vision: a world in which all Gypsies and Travellers have the opportunity to thrive and make choices as equal, valued and respected members of society. @LeedsGATE (Facebook and Twitter/X) @leeds_gate (Instagram)


Published: 31/05/2024
Audience: All
Contact: Leeds GATE

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