Born In Bradford: Age of Wonder...MY LIFE MY CITY short movie competition!

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

We’re giving you the opportunity to tell your story about your life and this amazing city! It’s time to grab your mobile phone and have a go at producing your very own 5 minute movie.

Aged 11-18? Live in Bradford district? Tell your story by creating a 5 minute movie or animation on your mobile phone. 

Movies can be in any style but must focus on either: 

- My Life: make a movie of your life growing up from birth to now using old photos and video clips. 

- My City: make a movie about your city and the place you live.


- My Life, My City: a combination of the two. 


Five £500 first prizes and ten £100 runner up prizes for the best entries!!


To sign up complete the entry form here:

Want to find out more? Visit:                                                                                                                                                                          

We've been working with NFF on the competition

and the science and media museum,

and winning movies will be shown as part of @BradfordCityand Culture!

Need help? Contacts us @ OR Tel: 01274 274474



Published: 30/05/2024
Audience: Young People aged 11-18, Parents, Schools
Contact: Laura Jackson

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