Become a Cultural Champion school in 2024/2025!

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

Amazing opportunity for primary school teachers.

Become a Cultural Champion school in 2024/2025!

Application deadline: 7 June 

Cultural Champions is a FREE 6-part training programme for middle leaders,?delivered by the Royal Opera House. 

It enables schools to explore whole school strategic improvement through the arts and cultural learning - with the aim of empowering individuals middle leaders, and forming a community of cultural leaders in Bradford schools. 

Participants receive 12 hours of twilight training in a blended model, some virtual and some in person, held locally. Each participant will support and lead a creative school initiative, in conjunction with the ROH Schools programmes, which is free to access. 

Click here for more information or to register

If you have any queries please email:


Published: 23/05/2024
Audience: Primary Schools
Contact: Dorothy Shepherd

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