Walk to School Week 20-24 May

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

May is National Walking Month and we want to encourage as many families as possible to walk, wheel, cycle or scoot to school and join in with this year’s Walk to School Week.

Families are encouraged to walk, wheel, cycle, scoot or ‘Park and Stride’ for the whole week to see the big differences that come from these small steps, from healthier and happier children to fewer cars outside the school gates. Walking is one of the easiest ways to improve health & fitness and more families walking to school means less congestion and pollution outside school. Families who need to drive are encouraged to park further away from school and walk the last part. Why not see the impact the Magic of Walking 5 day challenge can have in your school? Click here to find out more and download resources to promote it with your families.  


Published: 15/05/2024
Audience: Primary School Staff
Contact: Road Safety Team

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