Bradford Primary Schools Linking 2024-2025

To be completed by:

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Are you looking for a project to support your pupils to explore identity, be comfortable with difference and build connections across Bradford? We are now recruiting for Bradford Primary Schools Linking 2024-2025.

As always, we want this programme to be manageable for teachers and impactful, thoughtful, and enjoyable for all children. It is curriculum rich, promotes achievement and is based on evidence about effective social contact that reduces prejudice and supports your EDI work.


The Linking Network works with children and young people to build relationships with people they might otherwise not meet – people of different ethnicities, religions, and backgrounds – through providing resources, teacher training and ongoing support. 


We are delighted to be recruiting for our 2024-25 linking programmes. 

Details are below.

Please do get in touch to discuss how your school can get involved.


 Bradford Primary Schools Linking Programme 2024-2025

An opportunity for classes of Key Stage 2 children to form a link with another class in the district. Through the programme children explore identity and to connect with and learn from one another.  


The Linking Network provides free half day CPD training for linked teachers, so they are able to plan a thoughtful, enjoyable Linking journey through the year that best suits their children, supported by the Linking team and using our wide range of linking resources.


The programme has been running in the district for over 20 years and all Primary Schools are welcome to express an interest to join the programme. 


We are holding online briefings via zoom for Headteachers who would like to know more about the Bradford Schools Linking Programme on Wednesday 22nd May 4.00-4.30pm and Thursday 6th June 8.00-8.30am, or please contact us to arrange a time that would work for you to discuss the schools Linking Programme in Bradford.


Please contact Jean Whitaker or or ring Linda Cowie on 07969720150 for details.



Published: 02/05/2024
Audience: Teachers and Headteachers
Contact: Linda Cowie

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