Year 2 - Phonics Retakes

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

Reminder for schools with pupils that didn't reach the expected standard for Phonics in Year 1 last year.

Pupils who have not reached the expected standard for phonics decoding at the end of year 1 should receive extra support from their school to ensure they can improve their phonics decoding skills. They are then required to retake the screening check in year 2.

If a pupil was disapplied from the check in year 1, Headteachers should consider if that disapplication is still relevant. If the disapplication remains relevant the pupil should be returned as disapplied again in year 2.

Schools must return check outcomes for all eligible year 2 pupils, along with those for their year 1 cohort, to their LA. LAs will submit all phonics check results data to the Department for Education via COLLECT. Guidance for submitting assessment data can be found here.

Please note that you should only return data for year 2 pupils who are required to take the check in 2024. Do not resubmit marks and outcomes relating to previous years.

How schools can check which year 2 pupils should retake the check:

In most cases schools should be aware which year 2 pupils need to take the check. If unsure, they can use the ‘Searchable data’ function of the Get Information About Pupils (GIAP) website to search for those pupils by their Unique Pupil Number (UPN). Pupils who do not need to take the check again will be indicated by a phonics outcome of ‘Wa’ (meaning they have demonstrated they are working at the expected standard).

Users wanting to access GIAP now first need to login to DfE Sign-in and GIAP will appear as an option.

If a school is unsure if a pupil should take the check again and a search of GIAP finds no data for the pupil they may wish to contact the pupil’s previous school directly.

If you have any queries please contact 


Published: 02/05/2024
Audience: Headteachers, Senior Leaders, Assessment Leads, School Business Managers
Contact: IMT Data Team

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