New RE Syllabus launch - FREE teacher training session

To be completed by: Thu 06 Jun 2024

Time: -Thu 06 Jun 2024 | Venue:

This FREE session will include the changes made to the syllabus and the units but also focus on the continuity from the previous syllabus. There will be opportunity for coordinators to start planning how they will implement the new syllabus in their school.

This session will support teachers of RE at all key stages in developing an effective curriculum for RE.


it will take place on Thursday 13th June 1pm – 3:30pm at Margaret McMillan Tower.


To book a place, please click on the link below:

New RE Syllabus Launch – RE Leads/Co-ordinators Training Session | Skills 4 Bradford






Published: 29/04/2024
Audience: RE Leaders / Co-ordinators.
Contact: Adele Rowley

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