Making Vulnerability Visible
9.00am – Welcome and introduction to the Virtual Schools extended duties for Children with a Social Worker
9.15 am – Safeguarding Against Exploitation:
Hear what the true picture is around exploitation for Bradford children and young people. Experience how it feels to be exploited and reflect on the additional vulnerabilities children with a social worker may face. Explore and share what schools are doing
to make this cohort visible and mitigate these increased risks.
10.00am - Bradford Virtual School Vulnerability Tracker and Toolkit
This session will provide an overview of a new process which supports schools to identify their most vulnerable children and young people in a deep and meaningful way which will give immediate insight into the areas which need support to improve overall
outcomes. The toolkit has been designed to support professionals with resources, guidance, strategies and where to find multiagency support both locally and nationally for each of the vulnerabilities within the tracker.
10.20 - Break
10.40am - Keynote Speaker
Ruth Ibegbuna The Founder of RECLAIM, The Roots Programme and the Rekindle School. She built on her successful teaching career to develop innovative strengths-based work which enables young people to achieve their potential.
Ruth Ibegbuna has devoted her career to amplifying the voices and broadening the life choices of young people – particularly those from working-class, BAME and Northern backgrounds. She will explore what happens when you focus on the talents and strengths
of school communities which are vulnerable, and give them access to the networks and the support they need.
11.20am - Keynote Speaker
Hannah Karnacz, Speech and Language Therapist An Introduction to Developmental Language Disorder:
Around 1 in 14 children are affected by (DLD). But many of us don’t know anything about it. People with Developmental Language Disorder have difficulty talking and understanding language. A lifelong condition, it’s often called a “hidden disability” because
it’s not always obvious that someone has DLD.
12.10pm Final Reflections and Close
To book please contact Yvett Green