Author of the Loving Earth visits schools.

To be completed by:

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Deane Narayn-Lee, author of The Loving Earth, continues his popular visits to Primary schools.

Deane, a retired Bradford teacher is now offering to deliver assemblies and workshops to schools across Bradford. Since self publishing The Loving Earth, Deane has visited schools across the district. Deane offers his time at NO COST although purchases of the ebook version and hard copies of the book are welcomed.

The book is a chronological description of the role humans have played in affecting climate change. It's audience was originally intended for Years 3 and 4 but all ages have accessed the messages within the story.

Deane has developed a bank of materials relating to climate change which teachers can further develop to suit the age range and ability of their class.

Feedback from schools has been excellent and practitioners are now sharing the opportunity amongst themselves.

Why not give the children a break from SATs? They can still practice skills without even knowing that it's related to the National Curriculum requirements. Dialogues or letter writing, possibly? The book has also been the focus for Science Week and has proved popular with Eco Schools!

Deane is now taking bookings into late May through to July and the next academic year.

For further information, visit his website at


Deane is also on X: NaraynLeed8137. 




Published: 09/04/2024
Audience: Primary Headteachers, Deputy / Assistant Heads, Literacy Leads, Classroom teachers
Contact: Deane Narayn-Lee

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