National Justice Museum Education Courtroom Workshops for Key Stage 3 and 4

To be completed by: Fri 28 Jun 2024 14:30

Time: Mon 24 Jun 2024 10:00-Fri 28 Jun 2024 14:30 | Venue: Bradford Tribunal Court

A week of inspirational curriculum-linked educational visits at Bradford Tribunal Court helping pupils to gain practical experience of the law and justice system.

Two-hour interactive workshops bring the law to life through hands-on, authentic and unforgettable learning experiences. Pupils get the opportunity to meet and ask questions to a Judge and legal professionals who will be visiting in person.

Pupils will explore a case to prepare and present a trial, taking on all the courtroom roles, to reach a verdict and explore sentencing options.


Day & Time of sessions — Monday to Friday Morning 10am to 12noon or Afternoon 12.30pm to 2.30pm

From Monday 24th June to Friday 28th June 2024

Cost: £7.50 per pupil—Teachers free of charge

Contemporary Topics: Robbery, Cyberbullying Historical Topics: Victorian Child Maximum 30 pupils per session

Booking Information: Complete our enquiry form at Plan your learning visit | National Justice Museum or call us on 0115 993 9811

Flyer to print


Published: 08/04/2024
Audience: Teachers
Contact: Rebecca Pearson

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