SkillsHouse Careers & Technical Education Awards 2024 - Nominations open

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

Nominations are now open for the prestigious SkillsHouse Careers & Technical Education Awards 2024 which will take place on 25th June 2024.

The prestigious SkillsHouse Careers & Technical Education Awards 2024 will take place on 25th June 2024.? Last year we received an amazing 152 nominations.??? 


Our nominations are now open - please ensure you send in your completed nomination forms by no later than 28th April 2024.? Click here To access the Nomination form. 


Please note we are wanting to recognise and celebrate success of all young people of Bradford District. They don’t need to have taken part in a CTE activity/pathway. So please nominate them to celebrate their success.  


To view the Award categories please visit:


If you have any difficulties in accessing the nomination form please email who will be able to email you a copy of the nomination form.? 



Published: 05/04/2024
Audience: Headteachers, Senior Leaders, Teachers, Primary, Secondary, Post-16
Contact: Dorothy Shepherd

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