Wraparound Childcare Programme

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

The government’s ambition is that by 2026, all parents and carers of primary school-aged children, who need it, will be able to access term time childcare in their local area from 8am-6pm, so that parents can access employment and improve labour market participation.

Wraparound childcare is childcare that ‘wraps around’ the conventional school day. It can also refer to provision in the school holidays. For the purposes of this we are using the term ‘wraparound childcare’ to refer to provision directly before and after the school day during school term time for school age children.

This provision can be offered by schools and private, voluntary and independent (PVI) providers (including childminders and early years settings) and can be run on a school site or at another setting in the area. It should not require parents to pick their children up from school and drop them off at another location.

In February 2024 the DfE sent schools a wraparound childcare guidance; Please find a copy HERE 

In March 2024 the local authority held a webinar to give a breif overview of the documaent and what we are doing to prepare for the roll out. Please find a copy of the slides HERE

If you are thinking of starting wraparound care or exploring expanding what you currently offer please contact the local authority first, as we can tell you what provision is available in your local area. E:Mail sufficiency@bradford.gov.uk



Published: 22/03/2024
Audience: Childminders, Day Nurseries, independent Schools, out of school club providers
Contact: Diane Cochrane

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