Young carers survey

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

If you know of any young careers aged 11 to 18. Please encourage them to take part in a survey that will help build plans for services and support.

City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council and Bradford District and Craven Health and Care Partnership are now reviewing the Bradford district and Craven Carers Strategy and are asking young carers aged 11-18 to complete a survey so we can capture their views and help shape future services and support .

We want participants to feel confident sharing honest and authentic feedback therefore our survey is completely anonymous. We're hoping for a wide range of participation and ask you to encourage the people you are supporting to share their insights.

The link to complete the survey is here:

The deadline for the survey is 30  April, 2024.

See the flyer.


Published: 20/03/2024
Audience: secondary schools
Contact: Ruksarna Sadiq

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